http status code 401 - Msdeploy 401 while trying to sync directories -

i've been following tutorial using msdeploy deploy windows service.

i have command running locally against iis server , against remote server , same error both.

-verb:sync -presync:runcommand='c:/deploy/presync.cmd',waitinterval=30000 -source:dirpath='c:/deploy/service' -dest:   dirpath='c:/websites/service',   computername=localhost,   username='username',password='password',   authtype='basic' -allowuntrusted -postsync:runcommand='c:/deploy/postsync.cmd',waitinterval=30000" 

this error get

error code: error_user_not_admin more information: connected 'localhost' using web deployment agent service, not authorize. make sure administrator on 'localhost'.  learn more at: wlink/?linkid=221672#error_user_not_admin. error: remote server returned error: (401) unauthorized. error count: 1. 

however can command work ok without errors run bunch of commands through manifest , create website.

-verb:sync, -source:manifest=c:\deploy\manifest.xml", -dest:auto,       computername='localhost',       username='username',       password='password',       authtype='basic' 

any ideas why the directory copy throws , authorisation error?

the user admin i've created new user , added them administrators group. what's confusing me manifest works directory copy doesn't. i'm doing wrong settings here.

i can't think of specific, i'd recommend open event viewer (eventvwr) , take @ web deploy application event log , security event log (for failed logins).


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