Error while using PHP to run R scripts using a sequence or vector as parameter -
i working on small project uses graphs generated r scripts, values php script. have problems using vectors parameters.
from php use simply
echo shell_exec("plot.roc.curves.r ".$d." ".$sigma." \"".$distribution."\" \"".$f."\" \"".$x."\" \"".$y."\" ".$size);
this r script
args <- commandargs(true) # allow command line arguments d <- as.integer(args[1]) sigma <- as.integer(args[2]) # sigma distribution <- args[3] # distribution (cauchy, norm, exp, binom, ... ) f <- args[4] # filename of output file xaxis <- args[5] # text x axis yaxis <- args[6] # text y axis size <- as.integer(args[7]) # size of generated png file (x , y) plot.roc.curves <- function(d_f,sigma_f,distribution_f,xaxis_f,yaxis_f) { cdf <- get(paste("p",distribution_f,sep="")) # connects p (for distribution) given distribution # , generates function cdf() (e.g. pcauchy()->cdf() qf <- get(paste("q",distribution_f,sep="")) # connects q (for quantile) given distribution # , generates function qf() (e.g. qnorm()->qf() di <- d_f[1] # set di first element of list d roc.curve.d <- function(x) { return(1-cdf((qf(1-x)-di)/(sigma_f))) # main formula } gcolours <- c(1) # set gcolours list element 1 curve(roc.curve.d,from=0,to=1,ylim=c(0,1),lwd=3,xlab=xaxis_f, ylab=yaxis_f) # draw line function roc.curve.d x=0 1 , y=0 1 thickness 3 curve(1*x,add=t,lty=2) # draw diagonal line (i in 2:length(d_f)) { gcolours <- c(gcolours,((i-1)%%8)+1) # makes sure, gcolours 1:8 di <- d_f[i] # set di value of index curve(roc.curve.d,lwd=3,col=gcolours[i],add=true) # } legend("bottomright",pch=15,legend=d_f,col=gcolours,title="d") # draws legend in bottom right corner } png(filename = f, width = size, height = size) # generate empty png-file paper sheet plot.roc.curves(d,sigma,distribution,xaxis,yaxis) # write curve on new generated sheet # close graphic file
now heres problem:
this r script workes fine e.g.
plot.roc.curves.r 1 2 "norm" "file" "x" "y" 500
but need use sequences or lists first parameter, e.g.
plot.roc.curves.r 1:5 2 "norm" "file" "x" "y" 500
plot.roc.curves.r 1,2,3,5 2 "norm" "file" "x" "y" 500
which produces na error while running command line , leads partially correct image without colored curves after diagonal line. removed as.integer "as.integer(args[1])" , thought of annother way. tried
plot.roc.curves.r "1:5" 2 "norm" "file" "x" "y" 500
plot.roc.curves.r "1,2,3,5" 2 "norm" "file" "x" "y" 500
but not work either treatened string , not sequence. after hours of probing have found solution problem - sure not right solution although works. inserted after beginning of function plot.roc.curves directly after curled brace:
if(regexpr(":", d_f)>0) # if d_f contains @ least 1 colon (therefore it's integer sequence) { d_f <- unlist(lapply(as.list(d_f), function(x) eval(parse(text=x)))) # convert string integer sequence } else if(regexpr(",", d_f)>0) # if d_f contains @ least 1 comma (therefore it's list of numeric values) { d_f <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(d_f,","))) # convert string numeric } else { d_f <- as.numeric(d_f) # assume parameter numeric , integer }
i know, ugly. each time need use other types have write new converting sequence. can't right.
actually need give vector script:
plot.roc.curves.r c(1,2,3) 2 "norm" "file" "x" "y" 500
there must simple way - haven't found it. can me understand how send mixed types (e.g. vectors or sequences) command line or php r script ? highly appreciated.
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