video - How can I read the info of a media file using visual c++? -

is there way read info (fps, bitrate, duration, codecs required, etc.) of media file (avi, mp4, mkv, etc.) on windows using visual studio c++?

i managed play various files (which don't want) using directshow ( don't know how information file.

edit: got working this...

int             height, width, framerate, bitrate; large_integer   duration;  // initialize com library coinitialize(null);  //  ipropertystore* store = null; shgetpropertystorefromparsingname(l"e:\\test.avi", null, gps_default, __uuidof(ipropertystore), (void**)&store);  propvariant variant;  store->getvalue(pkey_media_duration, &variant); duration = variant.hval; store->getvalue(pkey_video_frameheight, &variant); height = variant.lval; store->getvalue(pkey_video_framewidth, &variant); width = variant.lval; store->getvalue(pkey_video_framerate, &variant); framerate = variant.lval; store->getvalue(pkey_video_totalbitrate, &variant); bitrate = variant.lval; //  store->release(); // couninitialize(); 

you can obtain information via directshow, if don't need playback/streaming pipeline , on windows 7, possibly have better alternate option data shell properties - supplying data display in additional columns of windows explorer.


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