javascript - bind a onclick function with object as parameter on anchor tag created in a loop -

i getting json data.and looping through , each data creating anchor tag , onclick of trying call function object parameter.


$.getjson('/ui_dashboard/rest/getalertdefvsalertvalues',function(data) {             console.log(data)         $("#checkallalertstbody").empty();         var mailservertbody="";         var objdata = data.getalertdefvsalertvalues;         var objlen = objdata.length;          for(var i=0;i<objlen;i++){                   //one object key in json              var alertwholeobject = {                     alertfunctionid : objdata[i].alertfunctionid,                     alertmessage : objdata[i].alertmessage,                     definitionname:objdata[i].definitionname,                     emailmessage : objdata[i].emailmessage,                     emailsubject:objdata[i].emailsubject,                     emailtemplate : objdata[i].emailtemplate,                     hubid:objdata[i].hubid,                     id : objdata[i].id,                     isdefinitionenabled:objdata[i].isdefinitionenabled,                     mandatoryparam : objdata[i].mandatoryparam,                     scaninterval:objdata[i].scaninterval,                     smsmessage : objdata[i].smsmessage,                     smstemplateid:objdata[i].smstemplateid,                     tenantid : objdata[i].tenantid,                     timestamp:objdata[i].timestamp,                     list: objdata[i].list,                     isarray : function(what){                         return === '[object array]';                     }             };         console.log(alertwholeobject.alertmessage)             var idwithoutspace = /g, '');             //for overview table                 mailservertbody = '<tr><td>'+(i+1)+'</td><td>'+alertwholeobject.definitionname+'</td><td>'+alertwholeobject.timestamp+'</td><td>'+                 '<div class="controls center">'+                 '<a class="btn btn-info btn-mini"  id="edit_'+idwithoutspace+'" onclick="editalertrules(' + alertwholeobject + ');"><i class="icon-edit icon-white">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</i></a>'+                 '<a class="btn btn-danger btn-mini" id="delete_'+idwithoutspace+'" ><i class="icon-trash icon-white">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</i></a>'+                 '</div></td></tr>';              $("#checkallalertstbody").append(mailservertbody);         }      }); } 

but onclick function not console showing [object object]

how send object created in loop click of each anchor tag.

please help


sorry, jumped gun on this. here update:

do not pass object parameter. instead pass index. declare object array outer scope (or global scope).

var obj = []; 

inside for loop instantiate object in array @ current index:

for (i=0; ....) {     obj[i] = new object; ...  } 

now, when specifying inline onclick, pass index:

mailservertbody = "... <a ... onclick='editalertrules(" + + ");'" ...</a>.." 

inside function editalertrules use object in outer scope index argument:

function editalertrules(index) {  console.log(obj[index]); ... } 

check fiddle idea:

hope helps.


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