Oracle - SQL to concatenate multiple rows -

this question has answer here:

let’ have table 3 columns

   id integer,    offset integer,    str varchar(50) 

containing values:

id          offset   str 1              1              teststr1 1              2              teststr3 1              3              teststr5 2              1              teststr4 2              2              teststr2 3              1              teststr6 

i pull concatenated “str” each id (ordered offset). basically, want is:

id           str 1              teststr1teststr3teststr5 2              teststr4teststr2 3              teststr6 

any thoughts on how construct similar query?

if have oracle 11g use listagg() function this:

select       id     , listagg(str) within group (order offset) str_of_str yourtable group id 

see: , this sqlfiddle

  | id |               str_of_str |     |----|--------------------------|     |  1 | teststr1teststr3teststr5 |     |  2 |         teststr4teststr2 |     |  3 |                 teststr6 | 


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