r - gWidgets + tcltk - creating a simple window returns a error -

i'm trying make small gui make easier other people run script. i'm using gwidgets tcltk on windows machine.

i create simple window this:

require(gwidgets) require(gwidgetstcltk)  options(guitoolkit="tcltk") win <- gwindow(title="this window!") grp <- ggroup(container=win) lbl <- glabel("here can write stuff:", container=grp) txt <- gedit(text="stuff", container=grp) 

when run on new session error message:

error in envrefinferfield(x, what, getclass(class(x)), selfenv) :    ‘no_items’ not valid field or method name reference class “entry” 

if rerun after error this:

<simpleerror in envrefinferfield(x, what, getclass(class(x)), selfenv): ‘no_items’ not valid field or method name reference class “entry”> 

anyone can explain going on?

edit: problem seems show on rstudio , not on rgui.exe. i'm not such expert programmer, guess somehow related way rstudio manages environments.

i guess question more: how make work in rstudio?


> traceback() 11: stop(gettextf("%s not valid field or method name reference class %s",          squote(field), dquote(thisclass@classname)), domain = na) 10: envrefinferfield(x, what, getclass(class(x)), selfenv) 9: r5_widget$no_items 8: r5_widget$no_items 7: .length(x@widget, x@toolkit) 6: .length(x@widget, x@toolkit) 5: fun(x[[3l]], ...) 4: fun(x[[3l]], ...) 3: lapply(x = x, fun = fun, ...) 2: sapply(globalvalues, length, use.names = false) @ sessionworkspace.r#166 1: (function ()     {        globals = ls(envir = globalenv())        globalvalues = lapply(globals, function(name) {            get(name, envir = globalenv(), inherits = false)        })        types = sapply(globalvalues, .rs.getsingleclass, use.names = false)        lengths = sapply(globalvalues, length, use.names = false)        values = sapply(globalvalues, .rs.valueasstring, use.names = false)        = sapply(globalvalues, .rs.valuedescription, use.names = false)        result = list(name = globals, type = types, len = lengths,             value = values, = extra)        result    })() 


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