mysql - Always return 1 even when there is no table related object -

i query database table joined related table example: want show styles , join mixes style show 0 mixes if thst style don't have mixes related.

here 2 tables:

first mixes table

create table `mixes` (   `mixes_id` int(11) not null auto_increment,   `datepublic` date default null ,   `timelenght` time default null ,   `title` varchar(255) default 'no-title-yet' ,   `dwnlsize` varchar(45) default '? megabytes',   `quality` char(10) default '? kbits/s',   `style_id` int(3) unsigned zerofill default null,   `collection_id` int(3) unsigned zerofill default '001',   `liendwnld` varchar(255) default null,   `vidlink` varchar(255) default null,   `artistefeat` varchar(255) default null,   `slugmixtitle` varchar(100) default null,   `cache` enum('0','1') default null,   primary key (`mixes_id`),   unique key `title_unique` (`title`),   unique key `liendwnld_unique` (`liendwnld`),   unique key `slugmixtitle` (`slugmixtitle`),   key `style_index` (`style_id`),   key `collection_index` (`collection_id`) )  engine=innodb  default charset=latin1 ;  alter table `mixes`   add constraint `collectionmustexist` foreign key (`collection_id`) references `collection` (`collection_id`),   add constraint `stylemustexist` foreign key (`style_id`) references `style` (`style_id`); 

then style table

create table `style` (   `style_id` int(3) unsigned zerofill not null auto_increment,   `imgmixcat` varchar(255) default null,   `namemixcat` varchar(45) default null,   `descmixcat` varchar(255) default null,   `slugmixcat` varchar(45) default null,   `hidemixcat` int(11) not null default '0',   primary key (`style_id`),   unique key `namemixcat_unique` (`namemixcat`),   unique key `slugmixcat` (`slugmixcat`) ) engine=innodb  default charset=latin1 auto_increment=20 ; 

and current query:

select    count(style.style_id) count,   namemixcat,   style.style_id,   descmixcat,   hidemixcat,   slugmixcat,   imgmixcat style style left join mixes mixes on style.style_id = mixes.style_id group style.style_id order style.style_id asc 

so make return 1 when there no mixes related style?


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