Simple rails filters -

i have simplest rails app, scaffold tent

here controller#index

  def index     @tents = tent     @tents = @tents.where(:brand => params[:brand]) if params[:brand]     @tents = @tents.where(:season => params[:season]) if params[:season]   end 

view standart, generated scaffold

and here search witch should filter data

  = form_tag tents_path, method: :get      = label_tag "manufacturer"     = select_tag :brand, options_for_select(...), include_blank: true      = label_tag "seasons"     - tent.pluck(:season).each |season|       =check_box_tag 'season', season        =h season      = submit_tag 'submit' 

problem 1:

when submit from, , params unselected(select or checl_boxes) don't want send params sent empty

get /tents?utf8=...&brand=&season=&commit=submit

problem 2:

when check multiple checkboxes request somthing like

get /tents?utf8=...&brand=brand&season=4&season=3&commit=submit

after expect data selected both values, controller expected both values in field, , returns 0 results

any suggestuions?


probably question solved in railscasts-111 (advanced search form)

about problem 2: need specify season checkbox below:

     =check_box_tag 'season[]', season 

but didnt test it


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