objective c - Keep UIButton highlighted after touch & iOS 7 -

i need keep uibutton highlighted after touch event. in ios versions < 7 used following action touch inside event:

- (ibaction)clickme:(id)sender {     uibutton *button = sender;     [nsoperationqueue.mainqueue addoperationwithblock:^{ button.highlighted = yes; }]; } 

unfortunately has changed in ios 7 , code doesn't work anymore: if tap button, button reverts normal state; interestingly, if keep button pressed little longer, button remains highlighted. please note app developed ios 6 runs in ios 7 in compatibility mode. i'm trying figure out way make app work on both ios 6 & 7 far haven't found nice solution (one workaround queue event highlights button after short delay produces annoying flickering of button). advice?

as ".highlighted" property you're using, apple documentation states: "uicontrol automatically sets , clears state automatically when touch enters , exits during tracking , when there touch up."

why not change uiimage uibutton displays, depending on "state" want appear in? subclass uibutton, give state property can control or set, , depending on state can show different image.


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